Sunday, June 20, 2010

no YOU are!

Stone is puttering around outside in our backyard/garage doing who knows what....without his shirt on.

I'm sitting in the upstairs guest bedroom (future nursery) catching up on blog reading.

Then I hear Stone yell to me through the window,

"This parking job is one of your all time worst."

(let it be known I do not claim to be the best driver nor garage parker)

So I yell back the only appropriate response,

"You walking around outside sans shirt on is one of your all time worst."

Oh how I love it when I revert to my 3rd grade self!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Not to worry dears, I am no longer pantless!

Oh, you didn't know I had been walking around for the past 18-ish weeks without pants on???

Well I have been.

If it couldn't be paired with leggins, it was left in the closet.

(and by closet I mean on top of the guest bed that until recently had been my own personal walk in closet/ you think the Nugget will know the sacrifices I made for him/her???)

So anyways, back to the pants of the matter. I am pantless no more!!!!!

A big round of applause needs to be given to my sweet sister. Whilst at the mall on Monday, she said what I am sure other's have been wanting to say....."Hey, let's go look at Gap Maternity. It's seriously time you get some pants."

Indeed. It was time.

Stone snapped this 'lovely photo' last night after a quick trip to McDonalds for a vanilla cone.

See the cone in my hand? He made me laugh (as you can see) by asking what I was doing with the cone. "You're just gonna have it in the picture? Are you gonna take a bite? What exactly are you doing?" SNAP! he takes the photo, looks at the photo then says (with a disturbed look on his face) "oh no!...let's take another"

Well this sent my giggle fit into over drive (as you can see above) and Stone was sweet enough to snap a picture right after I screamed "I'm gonna pee my new pants!"

Oh are such a gentleman.

And this is my bump at the end of 18 weeks

All in all, it feels good to be back in pants.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

playing in the dirt

Look what I did!

(tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, squash, bell peppers, cantaloupe and a blueberry bush)

OK. Stone did it, but that's neither here nor there.

I can only do so many things at once and Monday afternoon I was very busy reading Harry Potter (again) and growing a baby in my belly. How was I possible expected to till the land?

PS: I wonder how many more times I can use "I can't, I'm growing a baby" before Stone snaps...