Friday, August 2, 2013

on pregnancy weight gain

so um yeah......
i'm pregnant
26 weeks to be exact
i'm a big believer in the motto:
'if ever there is a time to gain weight, it's when i'm growing another human'
that being said
i've noticed a particular amount of 'growth' in my calves this time around
now i'm more than happy with fat calves
i'll welcome a fat calf....
just so long as it doesn't turn into the dreaded cankle
i don't feel good about a cankle
unfortunately we are approaching the 'cankle danger zone'.....

and we might as well throw in a bump shot while we're at it


Cruzing and Boozing said...

Oh my gosh! I need to see that belly in person...I can't believe I've missed so much. It's time to turn The Rig around!!!!!

Emma D said...

that's one good looking bump!