Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Do You Remember?.....

(just showing off my awesome balancing skills on my bangin red tricycle)

*Strawberry Quick
*Tinker Bell peel off nail polish
*Swiss Miss (with the teeny tiny marshmallows already in it)
*bendy straws
*gummy worms
*ants on a log (celery covered in peanut butter and topped with raisins)
*Little Debbie Fancy Cakes

....the list could go on

Tonight, after finishing all my dinner, Stone bought me a strawberry milkshake from the kids cup.
I felt like a kid again...complete with not wanting to share one bit of it with Stone.
You know what would've made it even better?

If it wasn't 33 degrees outside right now.

Note To Self: save milkshake purchases (and childhood flashbacks) for warmer weather lest your core temperature drop to dangerously low levels.

PS: I asked mi Madre if I could have Little Debbie Fancy Cakes as my wedding cake. That's how much I love them.
PPS: she said no.


Saskia said...

Aaahhh cold on the inside as well as the outside... not good lady, not good.

I know spaghettiO's (we call them spaghetti hoops...original, no?), bendy straws (obviously) and peel off nail polish, but the rest... no clue! Kids in the UK are deprived!


mo.stoneskin said...

I'll bet you still ride that trike too. Right?

Christy said...

mmmm steak n shake. my poor husband had never been to one when we met. first trip to Indiana, I dragged him there. so good.

I could go for some ants on a log right now... or gummy worms...

emily said...

so sad about the little debbie cakes :)
i still eat speghettiOs (just trader joe's style.

The Bug said...

In a very bizarre alignment of the planets, I was drinking Swiss Miss Cocoa with the little marshmallows WHILE I WAS READING THIS! Spooky!

Kimberly said...

SpagehttiO's....*licks chops*