Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
I need to get up, have a cheese quesadilla and shake this funk away.
(yeah, I said cheese quesadilla....breakfast of champions around these parts!)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Weekend Awesomeness
Please excuse the blurry pictures. I may or may not have dropped our new camera and successfully broke the lens. (sshhhh!!!)
I'm not sure what I am going to use this little gem for, but I do know I'm going to slap some paint (possible red) on those legs!!!!
* Saturday night whilst hanging out with Katie Jean and Babs (who by the way just bought a house 2 blocks from us....EEEEKKK!!! so excited!) something absolutely awesome happened. All of us...Katie Jean, Babs, Stone and I...sang, from our hearts, the ENTIRE Golden Girls theme song.
If by chance you are unfamiliar with this tune....have a listen
Now picture in your head four adults (OK, semi-adults), 2 of which are men, belting this song as loud as possible.
I don't know what prompted the singing, but the memory of our quartet will warm my heart for years to come.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I successfully made a batch of (unburned) carrot cake cupcakes! (in Scooby-Doo wrappers...I think they give them a little something extra special)
PS: I had planned on making red velvet cupcakes (my favorite) but was unable to find the mix anywhere. Has anyone else noticed red velvet cake mix has gone missing?!?!?!?!
PPS: Heck yeah I use boxed cake mix! Who do you think I am, Betty Crocker!?!?!?
PPPS: I'm sorry for getting saucy just then. It would be lovely if you thought I was Betty Crocker. Completely insane, but still....lovely.
Monday, October 26, 2009
From my Great Granny to you....
I grew up on this soup/stew. It warms my soul thinking about coming home from school and smelling a pot of this goodness cooking on the stove.
Put cabbage and onion into the pot along with the tomato juice, margarine and seasoning. Let cook down for a while. (note: the pot ((make sure to use a BIG pot)) will look really full with just the cabbage and onion, but it cooks down to nothing so don't you worry a bit!) Add the remaining vegetables to the pot and let cook until all the veggies are tender....or covered and on med-low to low for a few hours.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
drawing a blank....

If you look closely you will see that I am wearing what appears to be a teeny tiny housecoat which I have accessorized with a candy necklace.
If that's not awesome, I don't know what is.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Here's how I see it....
Monday, October 19, 2009
Why I kind of love not working on Mondays
What I found:
Sunday, October 18, 2009
People are weird

How lazy can a dog possible be that it needs to be carried in a pouch?

Thursday, October 15, 2009
3 Things You Didn't Know About Yours Truly
2. For the past 2 months I've had the soundtrack from the latest Harry Potter movie on 'REPEAT' in my car. Track #20 is my favorite
3. I can't snap with my right hand.
PS: I bought a butternut squash at the grocery tonight...and I have absolutely not idea how to cook it. Any suggestions?
Monday, October 12, 2009
One of the reasons Stone (sometimes) makes me want to pull my hair out is how forgetful he can be.
The other morning I walked downstairs to find Stone wearing this:
Court: Hey Buddy....ummmmm....what's with the hand drawn X on your t-shirt?
Stone: This t-shirt is old and needs to be thrown out, so I put an X on it as a reminder to throw it away after I wear it today.
Turns out even his forgetfulness makes me laugh.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
maybe you will have better luck....
Friday, October 9, 2009
recent converstations between husband and wife
Convo #1
Stone: I feel kind of bad for the mouse that is going to die tonight, but really this is getting kind of absurd.
Court: (stink face)
Stone: Do you think mice in the house during the winter happens to all of these old houses around us too?
Court: (stink face)
Stone: I'm gonna have to see the dead mouse when I get the laundry from the basement in the morning...it's upsetting.
Court: (stink face)
Convo #2
(the scene: watching a commercial set in the 1950's)
Stone: You know, I miss the good old days.
Court: (looks at husband confused)
Stone: Well you know, even though I didn't really live in them.
Court: Didn't really?....or didn't at all? (he was born in 1980)
Stone: (stink face)....the 50's were a great time...the 60's too.
Court: (looks at husband confused)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Hey Stone...
PS: Stone just peeked over my shoulder at this post...and promptly gave me the stink eye.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Reason #742 Why Girlfriends Are The Best
Monday, October 5, 2009
Nearing the End
On a completely non related note.....I had poor decision making skills on Saturday. We had a block party on our street. The festivities were outside and since it is officially winter here, it was about 7 degrees. I thought it a great idea to warm myself up with a bit (or a bunch) of hot apple cider....spiked with whiskey. This equals I hated my life on Sunday morning. But...
(there's always a 'but')
Not only was it delicious, it did keep me toasty warm!!!!