Tuesday, November 4, 2008

today is the day

I will be PROUDLY wearing my "VOTE, I COUNT" (I think that is what it is supposed to say/mean) sticker ALL day.

I will be anxiously watching all the election coverage....it's gonna be a nail bitter! (literally, I will most likely bite/pick my nails to pieces and then regret it the instant it happens....will I never learn!?!?!?!?)

I will be cooking a new casserole for dinner with friends. Hopefully I can pour them enough wine before we eat they won't notice if it is not as tasty as I had hoped!....sidebar: if it is as tasty as I had hoped I will post the recipe.

On a random note I would like to vent about two things:

1. Mother Nature....why do you toy with me so? It's Indiana, November and 70 degrees. That's just not right! You make me think it is spring only to turn around tomorrow with a 40 degree day and slap me with the cold cruel reality that alas I must wait 8 months for the glorious days of summer to return! Oh flip flops, sundresses, backyard barbeques and sun tans...how I miss you so!!!!!

2. Daylight Savings Time....you dirty dog. Thanks to you I am now cooped up in an office while my friend, The Sun, is out and shining bright.

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