Sunday, September 20, 2009


Katie Jean and I kind of sort of got caught attempting to smuggle food into the Kenny Chesney concert on Saturday.

(Don't judge. It's expensive to eat/drink at those types of things and we were definitely doing both!)

This is how it went down.

Before walking up to the venue, we each had shoved a snack size bag of chips and a beer in our purses. I did the right thing and put both pieces of contraband in the hidden zipper part of my purse. Katie Jean on the other hand, only did this with the beer. She left the bag of chips (Doritos if you must know) in the bottom of her bag.

We got up to the ticket 'check point' where a few young male security guards (SG's) were checking tickets and searching bags.

SG: (looking into Katie Jean's purse) Um, you can't bring that bag of chips into the stadium.

Katie Jean: Oh come one. It's just one little bag of chips. PLLLEEEEAAASSEEEE.....

SG: No. I'm sorry I could get into trouble if I let you in with them. You need to throw them away right here. (pointing to the trash can)

Court: Throw them away! No way.

I then proceed to dig in Katie Jean's purse, get the bag of chips, open them and start to eat them. As in...I am going to be eating the entire bag before walking into the stadium rather than let them go to waste. I get about two chips down when an older male security guard (OSG) walks up.

OSG: What seems to be the problem here?
SG: These two girls were trying to bring a bag of chips into the concert.
OSG: (looks us both up and down) Go ahead. Let them in.....they look hungry.
SG: With the chips?

OSG: Yeah, with the chips.

I guess it pays to take risks sometimes......

PS: Sugarland (who opened for Kenny) was awesome. They covered a song of one of my favorite artists, Edie Brickell. I thought I was going to pee my pants with excitement when she started singing "Circle". Kenny on the other hand was less than stellar. We left after about three of his songs.

PPS: For once I wasn't the one crying at a concert. Katie Jean shed a few tears when Sugarland sang "Want To".

Thank you Sweet Bean for a seriously silly Saturday!!!


Paulina said...

hahahah the bag of contraband chips is a great story!!! looks like you had a great time (ps: sugarland sometimes makes me a bit weepy also!)

Jane said...

Sounds like a fun day! I haven't been to a concert in ages.

nokomis said...

awesome... that was a good story. I read it out loud to Matt and we had a good laugh.

mo.stoneskin said...

But the beer made it in unnoticed?! Reminds me of the we smuggled fish and chips (as in what you call fries) into the cinema. We didn't get caught, but the stench must have infuriated other viewers!

Unknown said...

i'm glad the OSG let you bring in the chips...Doritos should not go to waste!

one time at a work conference, a 15 year old kid was gaurding a VIP snack booth, and i tried to go in to get a coffee and he said, "sorry, MAME, you don't have clearance to come in here." (yes, he called me mame. i almost cried.)

why wont these people just let us enjoy our refreshments in peace??!!

Saskia said...

Haha, I'm so proud of you!!! I'm always trying to get away with stuff like this ;-)

Saskia xx