Monday, September 21, 2009

Who Knew?

I don't work on Mondays. I'm usually all 'yeah for not working on Mondays', but then sometimes I'm all 'everyone else is working on Mondays and I feel like a sloth if I sit around and watch Pirates of the Caribbean all day eating cantaloupe and drinking Diet Dr. Pepper'.

(whoa, that got really specific for a minute there...)

So today when everyone else was working I decided to slap on my domestic cap and scrub some bathrooms.
OK, so this is the part of the story where it gets a bit icky....but I'm gonna plow forward anyway.

So there I am scrubbing the tub, minding my own business, when I notice the water is going down a bit slow. Now on any ordinary day it would be Stone who cleans out the drain. Not me. I think it is icky. But today I decided to man up and meet the task head on. Well, let me tell you.


Mostly by how intrigued I was by the disgusting glob of my hair I pulled from the drain. It's one of those things that absolutely repulsed me....but I kind of can't wait to see how big the glob is the next time I clean the drain!

Sick. I know.

PS: Isn't Stone a gem for cleaning the drain every other time?...without me asking or him complaining. Perhaps he is a closet sicko, like myself, and the glob intrigues him??? There you have it. Proof we were made for each other.

PPS: I'm loving the refreshing ZING! this Softsoap has brought to my mornings.


Anonymous said...

yuck. i remember the days in college of sharing a bathroom with 5 other girls... big hairballs.
congrats on the new body wash! looks delicious :)

Jane said...

Hmmm I may to add some zing to my morning, cause right now they are pretty dull!

mo.stoneskin said...

I'm impressed with Stone. I get so stressed with cleaning the bathroom or hoovering that my wife doesn't let me. I clean the kitchen, she does the bathroom and hoovering. But the other reason is that when I am, say, in the shower, or going to the toilet before bed, I'm usually not wearing my glasses, meaning I can't see any dirt, so have no idea whether any cleaning is required.

Paulina said...

hahahah this reminds me so much of when jennifer anniston tells her boyfriend in "he's not that into you" that he has to be in charge of cleaning the hair out of the drain! I love that part bc it is spot on. My hubbby always is in charge of cleaning out the drain. hahaha.

Unknown said...

have you seen the movie The Ring? there's this part at the end where a little girl with long black hair is floating in a well and that's what i think of every time i clean the shower drain...that i'm touching the little girl from The Ring. then i get all freaked out.


Anonymous said...

I'm ridiculously skeeved out every time I clean out the drain. Ugh, no thanks. Shouldn't there be a way for these things to clean themselves?!

Jill said...

1. laughed out loud over your pirates + canteloupe comment
2. i cleaned out the SINK drain a few weeks ago and almost threw up. and then felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. i'm petrified of the bathtub drain. no thanks!

Beth Dunn said...

It gets particularly gross from the soap scum! xoxo

Saskia said...

Oh Court you are lucky having Stone do that job usually. It's my lovely job to do that. Mr B has never, ever cleaned any part of the bathroom and I think he'd die if he had to clean out the skanky hair from the plughole!!!

Saskia x

PS Why is the hairlump always grey?? TMI??!!!