Monday, August 3, 2009

What I Said-updated

I'm a relatively healthy lady. Until recently, I had never been to the emergency room. I prided myself on this. I always made sure to "knock on wood" whenever discussion of broken bones, sickness, stitches, etc. came up.

"I've never been to the hospital. EVER! (knock on wood)"

A lot of good that "knocking on wood" did! It really came back to bite me in the rear.


This morning I had to have a colonoscopy.

For obvious reasons, I was nervous. Besides the fact of what the actual procedure involves, I was pretty iffy about being completely sedated.

The nurse came in to push my hospital bed back to "the room". While pushing me through the halls and then into the room, the nurse was having friendly conversation with me. Asking my name, my birth date, what I'm here for..etc (don't want to wake up missing a limb, when all I really needed was a colonoscopy) The oxygen tubes inside my nose started going at full blast and it was burning the back of my throat.

"Ma'am it's kind of burning my throat. Is that supposed to happen?"

If she responded, I didn't hear it.

The next thing I know mi Madre and Stone are gently shaking me awake.

Madre/Stone: "Court, wake up. It's all over"
Court : (shaking my finger at them) "says who?"

Madre/Stone: "The doctor. He came in and said it was all done."
Court: "I feel tricked!" (falling back asleep)

Madre: "Court, wake up so we can go home."
Court: "I've been dooped!" (falling back asleep)

Stone: "Wake up Court."
Court: "They tricked me!.........Don't you think they would have the common decency to tell me before they knocked me out." (falling back asleep)

I'm OK

I also apparently "confessed" that I packed a bag of cheesy bread in my purse.

(mi Madre searched my bag...and found nothing of the sort)


The Bug said...

Glad you're ok - you're definitely funny! I'm having surgery on my shoulder next week (a fact I've managed to mention in almost every comment I've left today) & I'm pretty durn nervous about it. I had my tonsils out when I was five & that was the last time I was in the hospital. This is just outpatient - but still...

mo.stoneskin said...

That is a remarkable confession. Maybe you stole the cheesy bread from someone.

AliHartnett said...

This made me laugh heartily- not at you... more like for you. Oh my- what a hilarious post about a non-hilarious subject. I'm so glad you're awake and fine. And my goodness I'm glad to hear they knock you all the way out for such a thing- I sure wouldn't want to have that half-awake! Please call soon and let me know how you are- I think we need a catch-up phone call, yes? Love you!

Andrea said...

You crack me up! ;-)