Wednesday, August 5, 2009

ya gotta love her...

I think I might have mentioned a time or two (or three) that a VERY MUCH SO enjoy surprises.

Mi Madre went skipping of to Target this afternoon. Before she departed she inquired if I was in need of anything from said store.

"No, but you know I'm always down for a surprise."

When she returned, she presented me with a bag. What was in that bag you ask?

A tub of potato salad and two peaches of course!!!!!

Would it be anything else?!?!?!?

"I walked past the potato salad and thought...OH, THAT JUST LOOKS LIKE SOMETHING COURT WOULD WANT! So I had to buy it!"

Thank you for the rockin surprise Madre!

PS: I'm well aware that it may or may not technically be a surprise if you mention or drops hints or nudge the person in the direction of or FLAT OUT tell them "I want a surprise".

1 comment:

Saskia said...

Haha your surprise is so random!! My parents have been in Holland for the past 2 weeks and I've left A LOT of hints about the "surprises" I'd like when they come home.

Mmmm, dutch cheese....

Saskia xx

PS how was la photoshoot?