Thursday, April 23, 2009

!!!! (revised)

Hello Sabina Convertible Leather Bag!

Would you like to come live at my house????


During my little online window shopping session (note the purse above), I happened upon this bag as well:

So I did the right thing and forwarded a picture of it to Stone with the following message:

Hey! Look what I found....isn't it the cutest!?!?! (hint hint)

Stone replied to my email with this message:

1. You know how I feel about purses - not good

2. Your hint hints aren't very subtle.

3. I am going to slap you silly when you get home.

To which I replied with:

not if I slap you first

And that ladies and gents is a glimpse into the ridiculous world of me and my love.....


mo.stoneskin said...

I suspect so, though I wouldn't want to speak for the bag.

Christy said...

oooh, want!

nokomis said...

That past was hilarious about you and Stone emailing eachother.

Also, that shopping cart cover is so clever.

Thanks for the heads up about the Etsy front page, that's awesome!